Tuesday 14 July 2009


There is something peculiar about birthdays. I have been to a couple and some more since I came to Oulu and while participating in fascination I always came to realise that I do not understand this ritual.

On Friday for instance, last week it was Jen’s turn to officially turn a year older. Although I cannot see she has ‘grow’ in anyway in that one day.

Gabor and Lili kindly woke her with yummy orange juice, breakfast and some small presents. Surprisingly there was no card involved which seemed odd to me only because card, greeting cards especially for birthday seem to be a European minimum for such days. After an easy morning everyone got ready, bag packed and we, we set out. I was most surprised to get in the bag but of course I didn’t object.

We cycled to the museum of modern arts downtown Oulu where we spent some time fascinated. Especially Lili who probably thought in every room at first that whatever was there was truly interesting. For about 25 seconds. By then Jen and Gabor caught up with us and we were bored of the exhibits so we started playing catch. I flew higher and higher towards the ceiling and apart from a couple of occasions Lili caught me with skill. Once or twice only she managed to poke my eye but fortunately they made of hard plastic.

Our fun lasted until the receptionist who apparently was spying on us came upstairs and stormed into the room. Our anticipation has ample time to rise while she reached us at the middle of the room. She had about 8 meters to cover. Which may not sound much to you but should you be only a foot tall it would look very different.

She had a problem with us having fun at the museum. She thinks people should not enjoy themselves at museums and anyway, kids should just ... or it seemed she said as I was reading between the lines. Gabor and Jen got upset and also stunned with the rudeness of the lady. And her stupidity. We left shortly and saying that I just realised I have been straying of the subject.

We had a picnic in the park. Gabor had the wonderful idea of crossing a stream using the stepping stones rather than the bridge. I stayed out of it, so did Jen and was the better for us. The other two got soaked. Lunch was nice and the birds were fairly polite. With a full tummy, and I mean full here, Jen decided that there would be nothing better than walking across town in the warm sunshine, being very really pregnant an’ all. There was a shop there which might have some fun stuff to sell. After walking so long of course we all felt obliged to buy something. And eventually it was wonderful to get home.

So there went the day and it was nice. Appreciating the importance of a person in one’s life, celebrating the life of that person and being happy for her. Noble gestures they are but doing so such while reminding the celebrant that ‘hehe, you are older now!!!’ I think is a bit cruel. Loose the numbers, the candles on the cake, the fixed date next time people and just throw a party or have a nice day with loved ones on any random day. I bet they would feel more special that way.

And one more thing! If you live in Oulu eat out at the Persian restaurant! I heard it is amazing!

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