Friday 17 July 2009


The day started early, earlier than usual compared to being on holiday. We got up to get the car which would take us out of town, all the way to Sweden. It was a shopping trip day driving a borrowed car. I was concerned all the way that I wouldn’t make it to the car, that I would be left behind and when Lili said that no, she couldn’t be bothered to take any bears to Sweden my hear sunk. But it was Ok because Gabor smuggled us into his bag. There was just enough room in there for Moses, Ted, me and a wallet with some essential plastic cards in it.

Before all of us set out though he spent some time cruising around Oulu, getting the feeling of the car as he said and picking up some commodities. Buggy, Sawing machine, a cup of coffee.

We left eventually and after a long and tiresome 1.72 hour drive we arrived. Nobody is used to sit in cars anymore. Not in this family. I was ok, but you should have heard them all moaning. It was tiresome.

IKEA was exciting and the hot-dog tasted just the same as it does in Glasgow. Or so I was told. Rubbish yet magnificent. A few items however which were on the priority, the top of the shopping list were out of stock and we were advised to get back in a couple of days. Ha-ha.

On the way home I thought something was different. About the car. It’s inside felt fuller than before and it wasn’t due only to the shopping. I sensed something in the boot but couldn’t put my finger on it. I fell asleep and I slept for the rest of the journey dreaming of magnificent fierce firey dragons, ancient places and pits someplace Indochina, the Carpathian basin.

I woke hours later, it was already dark outside, I mean that twilight dim what we call dark these days around 00:30. I was petrified with fear for I have never seen a real dragon in my life and now I woke because there was one right there much closer than I would appreciate during a first encounter. It was licking my face. My nose and gently chewing on my arm. ‘Hello’ she stopped on noticing I was awake ‘I’m Hava. Pleased to meet you!’ and a small puff of smoke left its nostrils. I tried to sit up, moving a bit away when another monster landed just behind me its enormous claws only millimetres from my delicate ears. ‘I apologise for her manners’ he said in a friendly tone and added ‘BythewayIamTobi’ he added in a quick breath then sneezed turning away quickly, sending a small fireball towards the kitchen sink. It was skilfully spanned landing in the steel tub, harmless. ‘You must be Lenard, I’m pleased to meet you, this is my daughter, Hava.’

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