Monday 10 August 2009


Gabor doesn’t let me on the computer much these days. I cannot blog like this. But finally he has come to his senses. A lot of things have happened in the last three weeks or so...

A couple of weeks back we had a fairly exciting time in the house although not everyone. Lili and Moses slept through it like babies probably still resting out our great adventure to the far south, to Helsinki. I started sleeping well and comfortably as cuddling up in my armchair. I mean in Gabor’s armchair. I woke because Jen was wondering about and she was being visibly uncomfortable. Almost like you would expect a woman to be when in labour, early stages. She told me to get back to sleep there is nothing to worry about, it was just tricky things happening but the baby wasn’t coming yet and she mysteriously added ‘perhaps someone else’.

Trying to sleep hard as I could I couldn’t. Neither could she which was no wonder to me, Tobi was seriously over excited literally bouncing of the walls while Lili snored so hard that I could hear the neighbours downstairs moaning about it. Gabor slept like a baby while I wondered what if Jen was wrong? What if this night...

She woke him up eventually and I wasn’t comfortably snuggling up any longer, for me it was more an edge of the seat drama by then. But nothing extraordinary happened. He did some of the hand placing healing he does for Lili when she has a cut or bruise and he went back to sleep. He tried but he was excited too. Eventually though they both managed to fall back to sleep while Tobi and I disappointed as we were decided to play a game of 16. We were only half way through when there was a gentle knocking on the door. I wouldn’t have noticed if not for Tobi. His ears are even better than bears’. Scary.

Stupid he can get or maybe the late hour he thought and to be honest had me convinced quickly it was the baby coming. I must have been tired after the excitement and the lack of sleep. It wasn’t the baby of course knocking on the door. Eirwen the bear. She is a cousin of Moses until recently living up north, very north but now retiring to take care of Lili’s little sibling. She arrived at last.

We quickly cast aside our board game and made a nice cup of tea to welcome her. But she just went to sleep on the chair in the hall before it was ready. Probably being tired after the long journey...

Next morning Gabor decided Erwin’s arrival was a sing and he insisted on starting to make up the bag to take to the hospital. That was some 2 weeks ago and we are still waiting. And hopefully I will be allowed to use the laptop more regularly from now on.

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