Tuesday 19 May 2009


To the hell with Moses. No! That’s too strong, this is not what I mean. To hell whith what he said, that I should write about my history because that’s the interesting part of my life. I disagree. Take yesterday morning for instance:
I woke in the bed at first not knowing where I was. Usually I don’t sleep in the bed. That’s only for those special ones who are associated with children. Normally I sleep out in the living room in Gabor’s arm chair or somewhere forgotten in a corner. I don’t mind either although I think it is special to keep in Gabor’s chair, keeping it warm for him reading the news when he gets up and his eyes are still too sleepy to focus on the screen. And yes, it is His armchair although he doesn’t publicly admit to it but makes annoyed faces if he finds sitting there anyone but me.
But last morning I woke in the bed. Lili was there as well and I stayed, enjoying listening to all their snoring. Eventually one by one Lili then Gabor got up and I stayed playing with Jen and ‘Itchy’ the growing one inside her belly. I was sitting on top and he tried to bounce me off but I think he might be still too small. Or I am still too heavy even if my nature is fluffy.


  1. Hey buddy,
    enjoy the moment! Been there done that before Lili was born. I just talked to Eirwen however, my cousin and she confirmed; She is gonna arrive sometime soon to be the new born's teddy. you have a couple of weeks


  2. Guys!
    please sign out after using your accounts!

  3. Don't worry Lenard, Eirwen seems pretty relaxed I am sure she will be happy to let you join in in the games.
