Wednesday 27 May 2009


Finally, It seemed he was just not gonna give up this machine. He went to town today to hang out with some folk and try to get paper that’s lighter than 80g in a square meter for folding paper planes. That’s their new hobby with Lili. She is pretty good at it I must say already having learnt to fold a design pretty much all by herself. It’s fun to throw them off the balcony when the weather isn’t windy. Moses went out with them the other day and he spent quite some time outside after that. Sunny days.
I have been out yesterday too. Lili took me to day care! Man, it was a nice day. The other kids didn’t care much about me. I’m just a bear. Nothing Special. But we know better. I am the bear who never had his own child. Unless of course we count Gabor.
She took me to have lunch with her which at first I thought was a really great idea but then I realised that maybe the food they feed kids in institutions is not what a bear likes most. It was probablt healthy and balanced I just didn’t like it. She still forced some down though. That’s the rule at home too. Meals are to be eaten. (unless it’s a rushed evening and food came from the freezer – junk can be left on the plate)
After lunch I slept like a baby. Really. I don’t think Lili did, she told me she never really sleeps at day care, instead she lies bored for nearly an hour. Her choice. We made some crafts later on and she coloured in some flowers for me. I had to hide those from Gabor as he isn’t fun of colouring in. It was nice when he came to pick us up. We have had a nice day.
I ‘m just realising I still owe you dear reader in the rest of the story, as we were nearing Europe...
Maybe some other day I tell you, now I think I need to go. Moses can’t find Little Ted. He gets lost easily especially when near or in the dolls’ box. It’s pink. Sorry, I am not really fond of pink. Whatever. Anyway, from now on I will have to refer to LT (Little Ted) as Theodor Junior. It’s some kind of old bear young bear thingy. No one else has to call him that. But I guess he is old. I mean if Moses is old, LT or Theodor Junior is – as some of Jen’s classmates think of Gabor – ancient!

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