Wednesday 17 June 2009


It was a smashingly interesting day yesterday. Well, not only yesterday but that is the first thing in my head right now. I went to work with Gabor. He took me around for the day and I got to learn all about cleaning. It was fascinating. Although having the day to think about the experience I realise that I am lucky that I don’t have to go to work with him or just go to work myself even every day. Cleaning saunas, stairs and laundry rooms day after day probably is boring. I understand now why he is so so keen on his upcoming holiday and why he is so much looking forward to start at uni. Both will be welcome changes from his work. Especially that he hasn’t chosen cleaning as his career. It’s just a way to make ends meet. I wonder though if there is anyone in the world who being a child dreams of becoming a cleaner? Probably not.

I started reading an interesting book; it’s called 9 to 5 Shaman. I know some about shamanism since Gabor told me that along with Moses and Ted I do have a shamanic role. He hasn’t specified this as yet to me and I think I am starting to understand why. He is expecting me to ask questions on the topic or generally on anything that I am interested in. He will teach whatever is needed and whatever he can as long as there is listening intent. There is plenty of interest on bears’ role in the family from my side but he is holding back telling me about it. I think maybe he would think first I should find things out for myself. I’m fine with that for now.

This book however that I started on troubles me a bit to begin with. I picked it up because all other books on the topic are used by either Jen or Gabor now and whenever I get the chance to get to the computer I need to check up on my facebook account so I don’t have the chance to research on the net. Anyway, so far my understanding is that shamanic thinking, world view is a rather practical one and this book – by the title – at first seemed to be an even more practical explanation but then the author keeps telling about, referring to some great spirit or god type character. I find it odd. I suspect she is some sort of neo-pagan and that’s why even writing a practical guide to urban shamanic practice she refers so much to something that is actually irrelevant to the topic. Oh well.

But it is time I write about arriving to Oulu where I reside with my human family.

We all knew that this final stretch of the journey in the truck was fairly short in comparison to the two journeys on boat coming to Finland yet it still felt infinitely long. We were nearly there, nearly and much nervous talk and joking lingered in the air yet they didn’t make time fly any quicker.

After some long time that felt like 3 or 4 separate eternities but at least hundreds of eons something happened. Recalling the event I believe that our truck must have just narrowly avoided a road accident. Our box fell down and got even more bashed and torn. I fell out and ended up lying close, too close to the door. I haven’t realised yet that I can make use of my arms and legs so I just lay there motionless very, very concerned.

In a little while the truck stopped and the driver came to the back. Opening the door he carefully examined the thrown about boxes, probably swore some under his nose but my Finnish fortunately isn’t good enough to know for sure and he slammed the door shut. We listened to his steps quieting as he moved to the front, the driver’s door opening and shut again. We started moving and the door swung open! As we turned back on to the road I rolled towards the opening and at the first bump I rolled out form the carriage and would have fallen on the ground but some instinct helped me to catch after something, anything.

I managed but couldn’t hold on and slid down. I fell again and caught on to another part of the vehicle much closer to the road and the wheels now. I was too far from the door to climb back. Within a minute we stopped again, at this time on the side of the road instead of a service station. The driver quickly closed the door where I fell out, he didn’t hear my shouting because of the oncoming traffic. I didn’t know how much longer before Oulu and I didn’t know if my arms could hold till we get there. I’ve started crying.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Lenard, I know it isn't an easy story for you to tell.
