Sunday 21 June 2009


This is midsummer weekend. Sunday night to be exactly precise. It was nice for everyone. We, the bears in the house decided that we should experience the midsummer weekend in the appropriate Finnish way. Although we haven’t managed to leave town as by the time Ted came up with the idea all public transportation across Scandinavia seized to operate and we don’t own a car: we stayed.

There was no problem however because luckily Jen, Gabor and Lili spent most of Saturday at a friend’s in town. Our Finnish celebration didn’t cause problems for them. We started on wine than moved on to Whisky which we stole from Gabor’s stash that he got from a friend who have left town for somewhere sunnier. He doesn’t drink it anyway. It was very relaxed actually. I suppose Moses and Theodor Junior aren’t the kind of bears anymore who are totally up for great wild parties.

We talked a lot sipping away on our drinks and slipping away from our cognitive abilities. Lot of talk on shamanic practices, the neo-pagan movement, which by the way most bears have a low opinion on and somehow we even got into politics. I lost track of topics and arguments after a while. In fact I lost track of pretty much everything after a while and by the time our humans were home we were out. Completely out.

We spent the day, the hangover sitting on the windowsill chilling, looking out and trying not to move. Head still hurts a bit.

We planning on staying up tonight and have some other kind of celebration. This I believe is more appropriate considering tonight is the shortest night anyway. One thing I don’t understand however and that is the general name in many countries, especially ones with an appropriate Catholic history. Even Finland calls midsummer something like St John the Baptist day (Johannus). We have been speculating about this but haven’t come up with anything useful. I think. Moses maybe has had some great ideas but we forgotten most of them. Can only recall everyone going ‘oh yeah!’ and ‘AHA’ when he explained. Oh well.

An advice to all is to take celebrations without overindulging in anything. A beer for a bear is enough.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering why that bottle seemed so empty... hm
