Monday 1 June 2009


I have had a wonderful weekend! A most wonderful for that. I wanted to write about it before but I rarely get to the computer over the weekends, even if Gabor spends much of it painting Lili’s room. Anyway, Moses mentioned I should enjoy, I should really enjoy hanging out with Jen’s tummy for my time will be up. The coming baby will be assigned to another bear. So I do enjoy every moment while in my adventures around the house and Oulu I’ve learnt a wonderful truth: It doesn’t matter if one has his own child to take care of, to comfort and to be torn apart by because one can always meet new faces and become a momentary bear for anyone.

Lili went on a sleepover on Friday night, her mum and dad went to the theatre. Lili decided that I could go with her. It was very kind. Very, very kind. Alma is only about 10 months old, she isn’t quite the toddler yet and she thought it was cool to have me around. She even sucked a bit on my ear and nearly tore of my left arm. It was – and I can only find that same word again – Wonderful. I had tears in my eyes. Sort of. And my arm is ok now as well, Theodor knows a bit about chiropractics and sorted things out.

I also met one of my readers, Alma’s mother. She was happy to meet me and I appreciate the encouragement: write on! I can only ask you and others in return: read on!

About a month or so ago Jen and Gabor became suspicious that there is more than one child inside her tummy. They suspected that on the midwife’s ideas that Jen’s belly is growing faster or bigger than it should be. I didn’t mention about it before because I didn’t want things to get out of hand. There was an element of hope for me you know. They were joking a lot about having twins, lots of crazy and idiotic jokes warming themselves to such possibility but it was all unfounded. An ultrasound last Friday showed that there is only one. A big one though but one. This has crashed my secret hopes but as I worked hard not to get my expectations high I can handle it I think.

Should they have twins, I could become a baby’s bear... Well, I got Gabor instead but Jen jokingly assured me he is good as a child. However I sensed an element of certainty in her voice.

1 comment:

  1. Gabor really is as good as a child; maybe even better. He drools a lot less for a start.
